Escape from monkey island reviews
Escape from monkey island reviews

The only things that seemed to be in Guybrush’s future were a romantic 6-month cruise on his wife’s luxury yacht and a life of wealth and grog and all the other benefits that accompanied being husband to a beautiful pirate governess. After years of constant competition with the Demon Zombie Ghost Pirate LeChuck, our hero had finally buried the fiendish phantasm beneath a mountain of ice and married the love of his life, Melee Island Governor Elaine Marley. The saga of Guybrush Threepwood seemed to have come to a close.

escape from monkey island reviews

Anyway, Escape From Monkey Island contained a higher monkey-to-person ratio than any other game in the series, but even that factor didn’t change my opinion of Guybrush’s jump to 3D. But monkeys… eesh, they’re just so dirty and screechy, and you KNOW that they were the ones secretly behind that revolution in Planet of the Apes. I can even laugh at the occasional baboon butt joke.

escape from monkey island reviews

You know, I’d better come clean about this before I get any further.

Escape from monkey island reviews