Tags #1minuteCPD #iOS #oneminutecpd 1minutecpd Accessibility AI Android app Assessment audience participation Audience response system automation Blogging browser Chrome collaborate Creative Commons data design digital literacy Digital skills E-portfolios editing email Excel extensions feedback formative Google Google Docs IFTTT images iPad iPhone Moodle MyShowcase nearpod Notes office Office 365 OMBEA one minute cpd OneNote organisation OSX Outlook Padlet podcast PowerPoint presentations quiz Recording your screen research Rubric Rubric scheduling screen capture screen grab screen shot search share social media sway text tips Turnitin Twitter Video video editing web 2. Moodle use, organisation and content (58).Information, data and media literacy (critical use) (210).Digital learning and personal/ professional development (learning) (33).

Digital identity and wellbeing (self-actualising) (41).Digital creation, innovation and scholarship (creative production) (326).Digital communication, collaboration and participation (participating) (254).JISC: 6 elements of digital capability (670).Expansion gives you the opportunity to set the level of privacy you need and publish the video at the right time, when everything is ready. The main convenience is the ability to save video on the drive Google Drive and publish videos in Youtube.

Here you can select different options for recording video, such as: the number of frames per second, quality, and others.
The expansion is put in seconds and provides you with a convenient tool for creating videos. Screencastify is suitable for Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Yandex Browser. Download Screencastify 0.9.0 The Chrome screen capture extension is available for free from the Chrome Web Store and works on Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome OS. If you conduct your educational video blog or conduct webinars, then this thing will save you a lot of time. ARM Chromebook users running Chrome OS 37 (currently in dev) will benefit from more reliable audio recording. Screencastify is the best solution for recording screencasts. So you can show the actions and the concrete result. It's easier to show one time than to force your customers to read the manuals thousands of times. If you are a teacher or representative of a company that develops software, then you simply have to make screencasts and show on a live example how to use your software or work according to your methodology. A screencast is one of the best ways to explain to people how to use your product or how to effectively communicate with a program.